V&A Waterfront

Free Things to do in Cape Town on your Birthday

When it comes to your birthday, people always want to partake in an enjoyable activity. This is all in the name of celebration. You also want the day to be as memorable as possible. And sometimes, taking into consideration the economy, as much as you want to, it may not be possible financially. So why not try out a few free things to do. Who doesn’t love a freebie? And being able to do something exciting for free on your birthday, well that is an opportunity, no one can resist. These are a few things which you can do for FREE on your BIRTHDAY in Cape Town, South Africa.

1. Table Mountain Birthday Special

Most people, when visiting Cape Town, have Table Mountain on their bucket list. Table Mountain is one of the seven wonders of the world and there is a reason for that. When you arrive at the top of the mountain, you are greeted with picturesque views of the entire city.

Table Mountain offers a FREE cableway ticket on your birthday. Previously, it could only be redeemed on your birthday, however, they have since changed this and you can now redeem it within your birthday month.

Therefore you are able to redeem your free cableway ticket during any day of the calendar month on which your birthday falls.

This free cableway ticket is only available to South African citizens. And you will have to present either your identity document, birth certificate, or driver’s licence to redeem it.

Website: https://tablemountain.net/

2. Two Oceans Aquarium Birthday Special

The Two Oceans Aquarium is situated at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. It boasts an array of marine life. When you visit the aquarium you have the opportunity of meeting penguins, various species of fish, sea turtles, and other marine life. The aquarium has over eight thousand different marine life comprising of more than two hundred species.

Two Oceans Aquarium offers a FREE entrance to the aquarium on your birthday. This free entrance is only valid for South African citizens.

The validity of the free entrance ticket is for your birthday or six days thereafter.

In order to redeem the ticket, you need to present your identity document in order to show your date of birth.

Website: https://www.aquarium.co.za/

3. Cape Wheel Birthday Special

The Cape Wheel is ideally located at the V&A Waterfront and offers 360-degree views of Cape Town. It is a definite must-visit and is usually a busy spot for tourists.

Cape Wheel offers a FREE ride on your birthday to enjoy these stunning views and experiences.

In order to qualify for this, you will need to fill out the application form on their website, and thereafter on your birthday, you will receive a free birthday voucher via e-mail. This e-mail voucher will be valid for a period of 30 days. You will then need to take your printed voucher as well as your identity document to their ticket booth to redeem your free ride.

Website: http://capewheel.co.za/

4. Galileo Open Air Cinema

Galileo Open Air Cinema offers a unique experience for anyone wanting to watch a movie differently. You are able to watch a movie in the outdoors, seated on comfy chairs, and enjoy great food. Their line-up of movies screened is also a drawing factor.

Galileo Open Air Cinema

On your birthday, Galileo offers you FREE entry, blanket, and backrest. All you have to do is arrive at anyone of the picnic sites during your birthday week with your identity document in order to redeem this. According to Galileo, a birthday week starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.

Website: https://thegalileo.co.za/

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5. Zeitz Mocaa

Zeitz Mocaa is a museum of contemporary art and is situated at the V&A Waterfront. If a day out at a museum is something which you will enjoy, then you should take advantage of their birthday offer.

The museum offers FREE entry during your birthday month. This is during Tuesdays to Sundays, as those are their operating days. You will need to produce either your South African identity document or your African passport which shows your birth date in order to redeem this offer.

Website: https://zeitzmocaa.museum/

So if your birthday month is coming up, why not plan your day around one of these free things to do. Or since a few of them are situated at the V&A Waterfront, why not make a day off it and visit those spots. If you know of any more venues offering free things to do on your birthday, let me know in the comments below. I always look forward to your suggestions.

If you enjoyed this post, why not check out the post on 8 Things to Do on your First Trip in Cape Town or the range of posts under the South Africa page.

* Please note that all prices and contact information are correct at time of publication. Please check the venues websites as prices may change without notice. *

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